(논문 요약) Gold-medalist Performance in Solving Olympiad Geometry with AlphaGeometry2 (Paper)

핵심 내용

  • Expanded Domain Language
    • locus-type theorems
    • linear equations
    • nonconstructive problem statements: Gemini 에 fewshot 활용, 자연어 -> formal language 변환
  • Stronger and faster Symbolic Engine
    • handling of double points (double point: a point on a curve where two branches of the curve intersect)
    • a faster implementation in C++
  • Multiple search trees with knowledge sharing
    • classic LM search: 각 노드당 LM 이 1개 auxiliary point 생성
    • LM multiple aux search: 각 노드당 LM 이 복수개 auxiliary points 생성
    • LM operator search: 임의의 점 생성 (AB=CD 이고 AEF 가 직선위에 있는 점 A)
  • Enhanced Language Models
    • Training from scratch with a custom tokenizer in the domain specific language (Alphageometry 1 setup)
    • Fine-tuning already pre-trained custom math specialized Gemini models in natural language
    • Multimodal training from scratch with a diagram of the given geometry problem
  • Larger and more diverse dataset

실험 결과