(논문 요약) Solving olympiad geometry without human demonstrations (Paper) (저자 강연)

핵심 내용

  • Language model: 새로운 construct (geometry 문제를 풀기 위한 아이디어) 생성
    • construct 예시
  • Symbolic engine: 주어진 사실 (premises) 로 유추되는 사실 (new statement) 생성
    • Deductive Database (DD): follows deduction rules in the form of definite Horn clauses, that is, $Q(x) \leftarrow P_1(x),…, P_k(x)$
    • Algebraic Rules (AR): necessary to perform angle, ratio and distance chasing
    • DD + AR: includes both forward deduction and traceback algorithms of DD and AR
  • 데이터 생성

실험 결과