(논문 요약) Can LLMs Design Good Questions Based on Context? (paper)
핵심 내용
- LLM 으로 생성된 질문들은 어떻게 다른지 6가지 차원으로 분석.
- Question type
- Question length
- Context coverage
- Answerability
- Uncommonness
- Required answer length
- prompt
실험 결과
a strong preference for asking about specific facts and figures in both LLaMA and GPT models
LLMs tend to exhibit distinct preferences for length
LLM-based question generation displays an almost opposite positional focus compared to QA
HotpotQA 와 비교큰 차이가 없으며, context 있으면 풀기 쉽고, 없으면 풀기 어려운 문제들을 생성.
LLM-generated questions still require significantly longer answers